Brilliant! THANK YOU for articulating my growing (& seething) rage over the last few days at the spectacular blindness of our politicians & obvious state-bias towards Israel. Events unfolding in Gaza constitute a hot bed of grief, bitterness & resentment that will spawn & encourage the next couple of generations of anti-Israeli hatred. It will solve nothing. It’s time to call this what it is - genocide. One might even reasonably call it a holocaust. Now there’s an irony... It’d be funny if it wasn’t such a bleak & predictable tragedy.

ps - yes, I absolutely condemn the actions of Hamas 🙄

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Oct 15, 2023Liked by Beer Christianity

Exactly that JM. Violence is cyclical and it will circle around and around. What those children and families are going through will entrench hatred and extremism for decades to come. The normalcy of violence grows and grows and the world seems further and further from the Kingdom of peace , justice, equality and non violence a peasant nazarine was crucified for promoting

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